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Before Anzac, Beyond Armistice by Keith Douglas Scott

Before Anzac, Beyond Armistice by Keith Douglas Scott

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The Central Otago Soldiers of World War One and the home they left behind. BEFORE ANZAC, BEYOND ARMISTICE is a new approach to the First World War. Using the soldiers' service files - a valuable source so far largely ignored by historians - Keith Scott presents a keyhole study of the character, background, fortunes and fate of the men from Central Otago who went to war together. Woven through the research are personal stories of, and encounters with, war told by the soldiers themselves: shared experiences of fun, endurance, death and, most importantly of all, mateship. This is also a story of the home from which these soldiers came: before, during and after war. It is a community that is determined yet divided. Scott reveals the fear behind the flag waving and the anger that followed the anguish. These soldiers and their community will charm you, challenge you - and change you. Take the journey. This 2009 Activity Press Paperback is in very good condition.

ISBN: 9780958263450 SKU: 1515896 Note: Any image shown is from a stock photo and is not the actual book.

Location: NZ War
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