The Price Of Guilt by Margaret Yorke
The Price Of Guilt by Margaret Yorke
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Journalist Andrew Sherwood has a keen nose for a story, so when he meets an obviously frightened woman twice on the same day, it is not solely a sense of responsibility for her welfare that makes him curious to find out more about her.L ouise Widdows is on the run from her husband Colin, a man with a shady past who has recently left home without warning or explanation. Befriended by Andrew and his young son, Louise experiences the freedom and independence so long denied. Andrew too is struggling to secure a new existence, and he understands that courage is required to begin again.The past is not easily discared, however, and Louise gradually realises that her husband may be more dangerous than she had thought. As Colin's history catches up with him, he is intent on tying up all loose ends... This 2000 Time Warner Paperbacks Paperback is in good condition.
ISBN: 9780751525458 SKU: 1185312 Note: Any image shown is from a stock photo and is not the actual book.
Location: Mystery