Sh*t Moments in New Zealand Sport by Rick Furphy

Sh*t Moments in New Zealand Sport by Rick Furphy

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The Sh*t Towns of New Zealand writersturn their sharp minds to our most embarrassing sporting moments. This bitingly funny collection looks at the 50 worst moments in our sporting history. These mishaps and humiliations range from epic chokes on the world stage to refereeing injustices, to shameless off-field shenanigans. Sport is part of the fabric of our nation; it's the core of our fragile national identity. But it can break your heart and take a dump on it in one swift movement. You'll find some catharsis in this light-hearted shortlist of shit, this comprehensive catalogue of catastrophes, this dossier of diabolical debacles and downright disasters. This 2021 A&U New Zealand Paperback is in very good condition.

ISBN: 9781988547626 SKU: 1534518 Note: Any image shown is from a stock photo and is not the actual book.