Understanding Ethics by Noel Preston

Understanding Ethics by Noel Preston

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After a century of enormous economic, political, and social change, we live with exponential technological growth and the ability to change our world irretrievably. We are developing capacities with respect of life that were once the domain of Fate. We experience unprecedented freedom of moral and consumer choice. Our major constraints are peculiarly modern: economic expectations, not knowing what to do, or a profound awareness of the impact of our personal and national decisions on others. With such power, freedom, and knowledge come unprecedented ethical responsibility. Understanding Ethics uses the frameworks of moral philosophy to analyse contemporary moral issues and perennial human dilemmas. Noel Preston outlines his own model for decision-making based on the idea of responsibility. He finishes with a challenging chapter, Cultivating an Ethical Life. Each chapter closes with a chapter review, list of further reading, questions for discussion, and a case study or studies. This 1996 Federation Press Softcover is in good condition. Ex-Inland Revenue Library; cover creased.

ISBN: 9781862872271 SKU: 1520017 Note: Any image shown is from a stock photo and is not the actual book.