Somebody Stole My Game by Chris Laidlaw

Somebody Stole My Game by Chris Laidlaw

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Of all the great team sports, Rugby has been the most dependent on tradition, inclusiveness and the notion of the game being more important than the individual. Its history weighs heavily upon it. Unfortunately, the rampant commercialism that has taken hold threatens all of these precious qualities and the emotional attachment to it in countries where it has become a national sport is in peril. After a century-and-a-half of comfortable conservatism rugby suddenly found itself confronted by a professional revolution not of its own making and it has struggled ever since to come to terms with this. The book has an opening chapter setting out the issues and the landscape, then looks at a series of issues that are crucial to Rugby's survival. This 2010 Hachette New Zealand Paperback is in good condition.

ISBN: 9781869711924 SKU: 1395499 Note: Any image shown is from a stock photo and is not the actual book.