The Election's Looming

The Election's Looming

With the election only a few weeks away, we thought it would be a good opportunity to highlight some of our books about past political campaigns and politicians.

We currently happen to have a wide selection of books on the subject: from the Labour Party promoting more nation-building efforts (Mike Moore, 1993) to Roger Douglas arguing in 1980 against the planned Wellington Airport expansion on the grounds that having more than one international airport in the country makes no economic sense, to the claim that the “Nationalists cannot win Grey Lynn” (John A. Lee, 1973). One of our favourites is a 1978 Pegasus Press Pamphlet making the case that Rob Muldoon has lost the confidence of the people.  

We've even got handbooks for journalists on how to cover elections.

Come on in and check out our shelves or browse our website.

Some of the books mentioned in this post, in alphabetical order, are:

'There's Got To Be a Better Way! A Practical ABC To Solving New Zealand's Major Problems' by Roger Douglas
'Case Against Robert Muldoon And His National Party' by Harold Evans
'Political Notebooks' by John A. Lee
'New Zealand: a Nation That Can Work Again' by Mike Moore

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